



With this information notice, drafted in accordance with Article 13 of EU Regulation No. 679/2016 (hereinafter, the “Regulation“), Jersey Lomellina S.p.A. (hereinafter also “Jersey Lomellina” or “Company“), as the Data Controller, wishes to inform you about the processing of your data (hereinafter, the “Data“), which are qualified as personal data under the Regulation, acquired in connection with the selection process.

1. Data Controller

The Data Controller for personal data is Jersey Lomellina S.p.A. (VAT No. IT00832160162) represented by its temporary legal representative, with registered office at Via Don A. Pedrinelli, 94, 24030 – Carvico (BG), email: ufficiopersonaleJL@jerseylomellina.com

2. Categories of Data Processed

For the pursuit of the purposes listed in paragraph 3 below, the following categories of personal data will be processed:

Common personal data (including, but not limited to, personal and contact information, data contained in your curriculum vitae such as educational qualifications and previous professional experiences, remuneration data, etc.);

Special categories of personal data (for example, data capable of revealing your health status, such as any disabilities or membership in a protected category).

3. Purposes and Legal Basis of Processing

Your Data may be processed for the following purposes:

Personnel selection. The processing is necessary to evaluate your application, and the legal basis for the processing lies in Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Regulation (pre-contractual measures) and, for special data, in the need to comply with obligations or exercise rights under applicable labor laws (pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 2, letter b) of the Regulation);

Compliance with national and EU regulatory requirements. In this case, the legal basis is Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c) of the Regulation;

– If necessary, to ascertain, exercise, and/or defend the Company’s rights in judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceedings. The processing is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f), and for special data, Article 9, paragraph 2, letter f), of the Regulation).

The provision of your personal data for the purposes mentioned above is mandatory, and any refusal would make it objectively impossible for the Company to fulfill specific legal obligations and, consequently, to proceed with the selection process.

4. Information Obligations in the Case of Automated Decision-Making or Monitoring Systems

In accordance with Legislative Decree 104/2022 (the so-called Transparency Decree), the employer is required to inform the employee of the use of automated decision-making or monitoring systems aimed at making decisions affecting the employment relationship or impacting surveillance, evaluation, performance, and compliance with workers’ contractual obligations.

In compliance with this legislation and Article 13 of the Regulation, Jersey Lomellina declares that it does not carry out automated decision-making processes, including profiling, that produce legal effects or significantly affect workers and/or candidates.

5. Data Processing Methods and Communication to the Data Controller

The processing of Data will be carried out in accordance with the aforementioned regulations, using electronic and manual tools, ensuring the use of appropriate measures for data security and confidentiality, in compliance with the principles applicable to the processing of personal data under Article 5 of the Regulation, such as lawfulness, fairness, and transparency, data minimization, accuracy, limited storage, integrity, and confidentiality.

6. Data Recipients

For the purposes described in paragraph 3, your personal data may be disclosed to the following categories of recipients, who will act as independent Data Controllers and/or external data processors:

– Labor consultants;

– Consultants in accounting, tax, and legal matters;

– Occupational health physicians (for pre-employment medical examinations);

– Companies providing concierge and security services;

– Software providers and IT support services.

7. Transfer of Data Outside the European Economic Area (EEA

The Data Controller does not intend to transfer the personal data of data subjects to a Third Country and/or an international organization located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If necessary, for technical or operational reasons, the Company reserves the right to transfer personal data to non-EEA countries for which there are adequacy decisions by the European Commission, or on the basis of adequate guarantees or specific derogations provided by the Regulation.

8. Data Retention Period

Data will be processed for the time necessary to achieve the purposes set out in paragraph 3 (see above) in compliance with applicable regulations. In particular, resumes will be kept for personnel selection purposes for 12 months following their receipt. For more information on retention periods, you can make inquiries to the Data Controller by writing to the email address: ufficiopersonaleJL@jerseylomellina.com.                                                                                                                                 

9. Data Subject Rights

In accordance with Articles 15-22 of the Regulation, the data subject has the right to request access to their personal data, correction or deletion of their data, restriction of the processing of data concerning them, objection to the processing, as well as the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal, and the right to data portability. To exercise these rights, the data subject may contact the Company by sending an email to: ufficiopersonaleJL@jerseylomellina.com.

Furthermore, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority, the Garante per la protezione dei Dati personali (website: www.garanteprivacy.it, e-mail: protocollo@gpdp.it, certified email: protocollo@pec.gpdp.it).